Our body is part of the landscape in which it exists. Basic simple movement, absorbed in the movement of nature, creating weather, creating temperature.
We know how to be human and animalistic, to manage in solitude or in a pack, to be nature, to be landscape. To linger: To go and come back.
It is a specific world with density, time and color and can be observed with intensity and sensitivity, which are one. The inner need for precision, order and repetition for making sure and relief, creates a work, which is all about the longing to come out to the open, where there is wind. To dare embark on a journey and to not be afraid. To go on.
This work explores a body-landscape relationship. How the basic unassuming movement is so simple and assimilated to be creating nature, creating climate, radiating temperature. The search for refuge, for rest, is omnipresent, and the goal this work seeks to achieve. Through preoccupation with music and use of sound emerging from
different sources, with different qualities, I search for the right tune for every moment. I investigate even and repetitive movement.
I'm engaged in movement with the quality of readiness and restraint yet moves between peaks- high and low tide. The work gives a broad view, and then closes into nuances, seeking to examine delicate fluid movement then looking for contra in strong, harsh, sometimes painful movements, seeking the middle ground. I use colors as the source, the origin. Color is surface, texture, emotion, mood. This project is black. two waterfalls made of black plastic material, falling from both sides of the back wall meeting center down stage, creating space between them. On stage three female dancers. their movement in relation to the falls will demand a certain composition, a specific one, to make them the landscape in which they are. It will be a glimpse into their lives, into the nature where they dwell, sing and cry. The dancers wear long smooth black wigs making them a group, one entity, a waterfall.